royal canadian LEGION Branch 604 Executive
President: Tom Lillico
Past President: Chuck Larter Secretary-Treasurer: Mary Moore First Vice: Wayne Reid 2nd Vice, Membership, Ways & Means, Bar: Koren McDonald 3rd Vice, Ways and Means II: Christine Hayter |
Seargant-at-arms: Bill Johnson
VSO: Susan Moreau Public Relations/Web Master: Mary Moore Poppy: Nancy Ringuette House: Lyle Skuce Sports: Tony Haystead Youth: John McRae |
Legion Executive are responsible for all aspects of operating the Legion, from business decisions, donation support, staff management. It is a huge undertaking for these willing volunteers, and the public's cheerful support is most welcome! They do it because they believe in the cause, and in carrying on our tradition of giving back to the community. They do it in remembrance of those who have served our country in the armed forces.
Legion Executive are responsible for all aspects of operating the Legion, from business decisions, donation support, staff management. It is a huge undertaking for these willing volunteers, and the public's cheerful support is most welcome! They do it because they believe in the cause, and in carrying on our tradition of giving back to the community. They do it in remembrance of those who have served our country in the armed forces.
Legion elections are run at the end of May, last Monday. Legion General Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month, with our Executive Meeting the second Thursday.
Legion elections are run at the end of May, last Monday. Legion General Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month, with our Executive Meeting the second Thursday.